
Geographic Overview

The following map gives an overview of regional differences in the CV structure of the lemma Affe. This representation is only intended as an impression of the phonotactic diversity of dialects based on unclassified data. Further information for spatial analyses are provided by the tables below.

Syllable structures

The following tables summarize the tokens and types of the syllable structures of Affe according to the PhonD2 corpus (work in progress!). The columns refer to the following:

Lemma: item of the questionnaire
Sampa: broad representation of local dialect in machine readable form
IPA: broad transcription of local dialect
Nr: number of syllables
CV: CV structure; classification according to Hall (1992)
Scheme: more detailed phonological representation that distinguishes plosives (P), affricates (A), fricatives (F), nasals (N), liquids (L), glides (G), short vowels (V), long vowels (V:) and diphthongs (VV)
Sonority: indication of sonority with 1 = vowel, 2 = liquid, 3 = nasal, 4 = fricative, 5 = plosive
Type: strong or weak syllables
File: File in the Marburg sound archive (MRPhA)

Information on tokens is provided by the following data table. The data is ready for download below the table (in .csv and .xlsx format). Following this is a summary of the types.

The following table summarizes the types of segment schemes (i.e. combinations of P, F, V, etc.) of Affe

Types of syllable structure
Scheme Sonority Type CV
V.PV 1.51 s.w V.CV
V.FV 1.41 s.w V.CV
VF 14 s VC
VP 15 s VC
VF: 14 s VC:
V:.PV 1.51 s.w VC.CV
V:.FV 1.41 s.w VC.CV
V:P 15 s VCC
V:F 14 s VCC

In addition, the graph below provides an overview of the frequency distribution of CV types of the same word (Affe).


Hall, Tracy Alan. 1992. Syllable Structure and Syllable-Related Processes in German. Tübingen: Niemeyer.


PhonD2 | 2021

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