Area: Obersächsisch
Glottocode: high1287
gid: 138212
Year of record: 1993
Subject: male, born 1912, 81 years of age
The following data table contains the linguistic information from
Rosswein ready for download (in .csv and .xlsx format). The columns
refer to the following:
POS: parts of speech (POS) tagging according to
(Schiller et al. 1999)
Class: differentiation between lexemes and grammemes
according to our pilot studies (see Lameli & Werth 2017; L:
substantives, verbs, adjectives, adverbs; G: pronouns,
particles, prepositions, articles, connectives)
Lemma: item of the questionnaire
Sampa: broad representation of local dialect in machine
readable form
IPA: broad transcription of local dialect
Nr: number of syllables
CV: CV structure; classification according to Hall
Scheme: more detailed phonological representation that
distinguishes plosives (P), affricates (A), fricatives (F), nasals (N),
liquids (L), glides (G), short vowels (V), long vowels (V:) and
diphthongs (VV)
Sonority: indication of sonority with 1 = vowel, 2 =
liquid, 3 = nasal, 4 = fricative, 5 = plosive
Type: strong (s) or weak (w) syllables
File: file in the Marburg sound archive (MRPhA)
Hall, Tracy Alan. 1992. Syllable Structure and Syllable-Related Processes in German. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Lameli, Alfred & Alexander Werth. 2017. Komplexität und Indexikalität – Zum funktionalen Gehalt phonotaktischer Wortstrukturen im Deutschen. In, Mathilde Hennig (ed): Linguistische Komplexität – ein Phantom? Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 73-96.
Schiller, Anne, Simone Teufel, Christine Stöckert & Christine Thielen. 1999. Guidelines für das Tagging deutscher Textcorpora mit STTS (Kleines und großes Tagset). Stuttgart, Tübingen: Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft.
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